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Status Definitions• Discontinued - Action has had some work done, but is out-of-date or unsuccessful. Still considered necessary for recovery, but there are no current plans to resume work. [Requires estimated initiation date field to be filled in.] • Complete- Action has been successfully completed. No work remains to be done. [Requires estimated initiation date and estimated completion date fields to be filled in.] • Not Started- No planning or implementation work has been done. No plans in place to begin work. Still considered necessary for recovery.

[No estimated initiation date and estimated completion date fields required.] • Obsolete- This action is not necessary to recovery, according to current understanding of species' status. [No estimated initiation date and estimated completion date fields required.] • Ongoing Current- Action duration is 'ongoing' or 'continuous' (i.e., actions without specified end-points that are conducted continuously or periodically throughout the recovery process, like surveys). Action is considered necessary for recovery and is currently being successfully implemented. Further work needed to bring action to 'Complete' status. [Requires estimated initiation date field to be filled in.] • Ongoing Not Current- Action duration is 'ongoing' or 'continuous' (i.e., actions without specified end-points that are conducted continuously or periodically throughout the recovery process, like surveys). Action is still considered necessary for recovery, but is behind schedule (not current).

[Requires estimated initiation date field to be filled in.] # • Partially Complete- Action duration has a discrete end-point (i.e., 3 years). Action has been partially completed (relative to work needed when recovery plan was released).

Download Idm 615 Full Tanpa Registrasi

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Further work needed to bring action to 'Complete' status. [Requires estimated initiation date field to be filled in.] • Planned- Initial planning of action is complete or in progress, but no implementation has yet been done (relative to work needed when recovery plan was released).

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[No estimated initiation date and estimated completion date fields required.] • Unknown- Status of action planning or implementation not known. [No estimated initiation date and estimated completion date fields required.]. Labor Type Definitions • Volunteer- When unskilled, unpaid labor (from any source) can be used to accomplish a recovery action.

Example: labor-intensive work like pulling weeds, planting new individuals, etc. • Graduate Student- When someone who knows the biology of the species and is interested in a research-oriented project can be used to accomplish a recovery action. Example: analysis of monitoring data for trend analysis; annual population surveys for new sites, habitat use, seasonal variations, etc. • Species Expert- When someone extremely knowledgeable about the species or subject area is required to accomplish a recovery action.

Example: determination of new survey sites, taxonomic determinations, etc. • Contract- When skills/resources are not available within the Federal Government or other responsible parties to accomplish the actions so that funding will have to be provided to hire an individual or private entity to accomplish the action: i.e., install fencing, water control structure, etc. • Internal Technical Assistance- When skills are available within the Service/Responsible Parties to advise or accomplish the recovery action.