Shebeko Ermak Shishkina Fizicheskoe Vospitanie Doshkoljnikov

Shebeko Ermak Shishkina Fizicheskoe Vospitanie Doshkoljnikov 8,0/10 1350 reviews

Zabezpechennia realizatsii ozdorovchoi funktsii fizychnoho vykhovannia ditei doshkilnoho viku v umovakh suchasnoho DNZ [Ensuring the.

References Duka, T.M. Zabezpechennia realizatsii ozdorovchoi funktsii fizychnoho vykhovannia ditei doshkilnoho viku v umovakh suchasnoho DNZ [ Ensuring the realization of the recreational function of physical education of preschool children in the conditions of a modern preschool educational institution]. URL: (access date: ). [in Ukrainian].

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Glazyrina, L.D. Metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya detej doshkolnogo vozrasta [ Methods of physical education for children of preschool age]. Moscow: Vlados. Fingers [in Russian].

Shebeko Ermak Shishkina Fizicheskoe Vospitanie Doshkoljnikov

Maksymova, O.O. Fizychna kultura i trenuvannia ditei yak shliakh do formuvannia i zmitsnennia fizychnoho zdorovia [Physical culture and training of children as a way to the formation and strengthening of physical health]. Teoretyko-metodychni zasady orhanizatsii navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu u DNZ ta pochatkovii shkoli [Theoretical and methodical foundations of organization of educational process in preschool educational institution and elementary school], 13-17.


[in Ukrainian]. Pantiuk, T.I. Teoriia fizychnoho vykhovannia dytyny-doshkilnyka v Ukraini (istorychnyi aspekt) [The theory of physical education of a preschool child in Ukraine (historical aspect)]. Pedahohichni nauky [ Pedagogical sciences], 94 172-176 [in Ukrainian]. Shebeko, V.N., & Ermak, N.N., & SHishkina, V.A. Fizicheskoe vospitanie doshkolnikov [ Physical education of preschoolers]. Moscow: Akademiya.

[in Russian]. Volosnikova, T.V. Upravlenie fizkulturno-ozdorovitelnoj rabotoj v doshkol’nom uchrezhdenii [ Management of physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions]. Sankt-Peterburg: Niva. [in Russian].